31 Days of Sunrise ☀️
For the past 6 months, I’ve become obsessed with sunrise.
While the sunset seems to get a lot more fanfare, the sunrise is the quiet cousin that brings with it a sense of calm and new beginnings. It is an awe-inspiring time when few people are awake, and I can reflect and actively make a decision about how I want to tackle and embrace the day.
Most days, I try and get up before sunrise and ideally just at or before the first light. Being witness to the start of the day is truly magical and brings with it an incredible sense of energy. The Sun is literally explosive energy and does amazing things for my body, mind, and soul.
All that said, as I welcome in Spring this March, along with my Birthday on March 31st, I’m going to do what I’m calling “31 Days of Sunrise.” This will be a time of reflection and growth with a focus on my own health and wellness. Using the Sun as daily inspiration and anchoring, I’ll focus on developing my spirit and —while also being sober (no alcohol or drugs).
31 Days of Sunrise has five core components. And yes, because I love alliteration, they all start with “S.”
Sunrise, Strength, Spirit, Sober, Sleep
*Plus a bonus ‘S’ because it’s Spring.
Sunrise ☀️
Wake up before the sun. I’m currently in Baja, Mexico, so for me, that means getting up before 6:41 am on March 1st and before 6:13 am on March 31st. Ideally, I’m up by Civil Dawn each day, which is equivalent to “first light.” This ranges from 6:18 am in early March to 5:50 am in late March, here in Baja.
Waking up doesn’t mean just staying in bed though, this means I get up and, if the weather permits go outside, but at the very least be up and ready to nurture the body and mind for the next 31 minutes.
Also, no checking social or anything internet related, until after the 31 minutes at minimum. I will post some sunrises tho :)
Strength 💪🏽
The goal will be to get my heart rate up a little bit as close to sunrise as possible. This could be a hike or walk to a place to watch the sunrise or just some squats or push-ups to start if I’m not able to get outside. Then, I’ll move into about 15–20 minutes of stretching and yoga. Note, that this is not intended to replace a more rigorous workout, it is just meant to get the body primed and moving.
Spirit 🧘♂️
Following strength and movement work, I’ll spend 10–20 minutes in meditation, journaling, and setting intentions for the day. While sometimes I do this unguided, I’m a fan of using apps like Headspace to keep me on track and inspire new practices and discipline. I then journal using an app called Journey, to which I just dictate or upload a video.
To truly focus on developing this practice, I want to have a totally clear mind and healthy body, so will avoid alcohol or any drugs during this period. There’s always an opportunity for a cold beer (or Marg) in Baja, particularly after kiting or surfing, so this will also just be good discipline.
Sleep 😴
Getting good sleep is getting trendy these days, and for good reason. I was first inspired to study my own sleep patterns just over a year ago, when I started listening to the Huberman Lab podcast, where he goes deep on the topic and why it is one of the most critical components of our health. Getting up before Sunrise, starts with getting great sleep. So my goal will be to get into wind-down mode by 9pm (no screens) and sleep by 10pm as often as I can. There are situations where this may not be possible, as I do love to socialize, when the moments call for it, but this will be the goal to ensure I can get 7–8hrs of solid sleep in prep for the sunrise.
I’m writing this down partly for myself, but also to invite both accountability and participation from others who might also be interested in welcoming in the Spring with a new routine.
So, if you’re interested in joining along let me know and let’s keep each other accountable! ☀️