5 Reasons why getting up before sunrise is my favourite life hack

Jeff Berezny
4 min readFeb 20, 2024


My pup Banjo peeping the pre-sunrise in La Ventana, BCS, Mexico

Sunrise is this sneaky little life hack that is accessible to almost everyone, yet many don’t take advantage of it, including me for most of my life.

I never considered myself a morning person, until in the past few years when I started experimenting with sunrise and discovered the many benefits that come with aligning my mornings with the sun.

While many things change and fade, one of the few constants in life is the sun rising and setting. The sun is like the world’s best accountability buddy that never misses a morning workout. And with a little accountability, a lot can get done.

Here’s why I love getting up before sunrise, and think it’s one of the best life hacks out there:

1. It’s quiet

Normally, days are filled with things happening, people, activities, and things pulling at my attention. Pre-sunrise is a time for me to be still (yet awake) before the busyness begins.

Getting up before sunrise is an opportunity to watch the world when it feels like it’s on pause. It’s like time has somehow stopped, and I’m an observer, watching the world gradually awaken.

Even if it’s just for a few moments, I feel like I’ve arrived at a sports game before it’s begun and get to watch the players (aka the Earth) warm up before the game begins, connecting with the environment around me more intimately.

2. It’s accessible

Sunrise is a universal experience, accessible to nearly everyone, everywhere.

While it’s true that sunrises can be nicer, and more enjoyable in different parts of the world, such as a warm Eastern coastal region, the benefits can still be had, even when dark, cloudy, and cold. I admit my own bias though as I write this post while sitting looking out at sunrise on the East coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. :)

Whether you’re a CEO, an intern, or anything in between, the benefits of sunrise are available to you, to enjoy and set a foundation for your day

3. It’s productive

It’s amazing what can be accomplished in 30–60 minutes of focused activity, every day before the sun rises.

Whether it’s going for a run, doing yoga, writing, meditating, reading, or knocking off something important on my to-do list, I feel like I’m starting the day ahead, instead of catching up. I particularly like this time to practice and develop new habits. One of which happens to be writing, so here we are :)

4. It’s hard

It’s dark out, I’m sleepy, why would I get out of my warm bed?

Getting up before sunrise is not always easy, and this is amplified by the environment and the weather outside as well. If it is a dark, cold winter day, it is even more difficult.

That said, doing hard things is good for me. Exercising the “I don’t want to do this, but I am still going to do it” muscle is really important. It makes hard things attainable, particularly over time. The flip side is that it also forces me to get to bed early, as it is only harder if I stay up later or don’t sleep well.

5. It’s beautiful

Sunrise, often overshadowed by its more popular sibling, sunset, can be even more inspiring and exhilarating.

Seeing the sky transform from pitch black, to reflections of red, orange, and purple, as the sun begins to approach the horizon is awe-inspiring. I appreciate it more than sunset because it brings with it the excitement of the day, whereas sunset (also very beautiful) signals the closing of the day, which to me is less exciting.

Every morning the world paints a picture in the sky for us, never the exact same, and I love witnessing it.

Until the next sunrise

While many things are hard to repeat in life, I know the sun will always come up. The sun never stops, and getting in sync with that daily repetition has been powerful in my life. While I don’t see it every day, the days I do, I almost always feel more centered, and motivated, and have a closer connection to the world around me.

If you haven’t greeted the sun as it rises over the horizon recently, I encourage you to try it and see what you think. Or, if you’re already a sunrise vet, would love to hear why you prioritize this part of the day!



Jeff Berezny
Jeff Berezny

Written by Jeff Berezny

Lifestyle & Pixel Designer ✨🎨💻 🌎 I write about AI & low-code web design, while exploring new ways to live, work and travel

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